February 1996 Issue
Feature Articles
Passive Optical Networks in the Local Loop
The author reviews the motivation for passive optical networks as a delivery system for services in the Local Loop, the “last mile” in the communication link. He then argues that new developments in WDM components motivate a re-examination of wavelengthdivision-multiplexing (WDM) PONs as a distribution network.
by N.J. FrigoWhat's Happening with Fiber to the Home?
The author discusses recent progress that indicates fiber-to-the-home may be economical sooner than commonly believed.
by Paul W. ShumateFiber Optic Passive Components Standards: By Design Or Demand?
While it&s true that standardsetting is often a slow, cumbersome process, the fault doesn&t lie entirely with the committee and organizational mechanics. If the need for a standard is truly market driven, the process can move faster
by W.C Young and Teziana TambossoFiber Optics In Astronomical Instruments
The author describes the application of fiber optics in astronomical spectrographs and interferometers. Important properties of fiber optics that impact spectroscopic applications are also discussed.
by Samuel C. Barden