Feature Articles

Fundamentals of Lighting

Edwards provides a quick tutorial on the fundamentals of lighting, briefly describes requirements for illumination systems, and delves into light sources that will one day replace cathode ray tubes.

by Ian Edwards
Non Sequential Raytracing: Englightened Software for Illumination Engineering

Abernathy provides a history of illumination software, discusses several applications, and describes the key challenges that must be overcome so that the world may become a brighter place.

by Michael Abernathy
Video Projectors Portable Wall Screens?

Projection displays pervade our lives. Whether in the form of televisions, slide or movie projectors, these devices bring images to life. KOPP discusses new light sources for projection displays and how these machines will evolve over the next decade.

by Greg Kopp
Ocean Optics Revisited

In 1991, Optics & Photonics News published a review article on ocean optics1 that discussed the field of ocean optical research. Many advances have occurred during the past five years. The emphasis of much of the work has also shifted from the deep clear ocean to the coastal environment. The present status and future directions of the field are discussed.

by Kenneth J. Voss and Steven G. Ackleson