Optica in Focus
News from the Society
Industry meeting: lidar / Industry tutorial: deformable mirrors / ANZCOP 2024 / Technical group leaders / Spotlight on British and Irish optics / Suzuki wins Tyndall Award / Career accelerator in Europe / Student presentation prizes / Thank you, editors and meeting hosts
On 19 November, Optica held an online industry meeting focused on the applications of lidar technology. The event was designed for businesses across the lidar supply chain, from component providers to system integrators, and covered areas like automotive, robotics, vision, remoting sensing and mapping. Attendees heard talks from a variety of speakers, including Heiko Leppin, Continental, Germany; Apurva Jain, Lumotive, Canada; and Zach Bonefas, John Deere, USA. They discussed technological solutions to current challenges, such as next-generation sources and detectors and alternative architectures aimed at improving key metrics while enhancing the reliability and expanding the deployment of lidar systems.
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