Optica in Focus
News from the Society
Biophotonics Congress / Gapontsev Prize applications open / Laser micromachining industry meeting / Optica Fellow stories / Supporting freeform optics / PIC International Conference / Congressional Visits Day / Optica eclipse experience / Thank you, editors, chairs and committees
Top: Ty Olmstead, Florida Photonics Cluster, USA; Optica CEO Elizabeth Rogan; and Barron Mills, Florida Photonics Cluster, USA. Bottom: Caroline Boudoux, Castor Optics and Polytechnique Montreal, Canada.
The Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics took place from 24 to 27 April in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. A high point this year was industry programming, including a keynote by Julie Eng, Coherent, USA; sessions on the prospects for optical imaging and sensing in health care and drug development; and a networking event with presentations from Optica Director at Large and Board of Meetings member Caroline Boudoux and Ty Olmstead, president of the Florida Photonics Cluster. Topics of plenary talks by Irina Larina, Baylor College of Medicine, USA, Sarah Bohndiek, University of Cambridge, UK, Gerwin Puppels, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, and Samuel Achilefu, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA, ranged from dynamic OCT to early cancer detection.
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