February 2022 Issue
Feature Articles

Surfing the Wakefield
Scientists have shown that lasers can accelerate electrons to immense energies within a few centimeters of plasma. Their aim now is to build a useful machine.
by Edwin Cartlidge
Did Leonardo da Vinci Invent the Telescope?
An analysis of one of the Italian master’s early-16th-century notebooks suggests that his experiments may have extended to combining lenses to achieve a better view of the moon.
by Alessandro Bettini
Meet Optica’s 2022 Fellows
Congratulations to the 106 members of the 2022 class of Optica Fellow Members.
by Meredith Smith, Kari Apter and Samantha HornbackDepartments and Columns

Research and Industry News
Detecting quantum sound / Mouse brain microscope / Rapid freeform fabrication / 3D imaging through hair-thin fiber / Light-powered robots / Studying bats in the wild / Lightelligence chip / Rockley sensor / Eco-friendly glitter

Toward a Truly Inclusive Classroom
OPN talks to a physics professor whose research focuses on reimagining education to better include students with disabilities.

PSI’s Journey: From Research to Production
The founder and president of Phase Sensitive Innovations, a university-incubated startup, offers a personal recollection of how the company pivoted its business to succeed.
Also in this Issue

Globalization and Decentralization
Companies that have successfully globalized are rooted in different parts of the world.

30, 20, and 10 Years Ago in OPN
Hubble woes; optics and bioterrorism; fiber optics’ endless development.

News from the Society
Ethics in publishing / New editors-in-chief / Engineering prize for Jarrahi / John Tyndall award / DiversiWiki edit-a-thon / Women in industry / Optica Fellow stories / Industry predictions for 2022 / Executive Forum / Thank you, editors and volunteers

Volcano Track, Imaged from Space
A volcano track or plume rises over Mount Michael, an active stratovolcano on Saunders Island, about 1600 km from Antarctica.