September 2020 Issue
Feature Articles

In Search of Equity
The events of 2020 may offer a unique chance to advance the representation of African Americans in optics and photonics—if the community grasps the opportunity.
by Stewart Wills
Unlocking the Power of Quantum Encryption
Quantum technology poses a growing threat to online security. But it also provides a solution.
by Edwin Cartlidge
A Deeper View of the Cosmos
Built on advances in optical and photonic technology, the new generation of telescopes coming online this decade will tackle key questions about the nature of the universe.
by Peter GwynneDepartments and Columns

Research and Industry News
WGM resonators aid electron microscopy / Imaging brushstrokes / Low-power OCT / Putting UV-C to work / Spin qubits/ COVID-19 and Europe / Spider-silk-based lens

An Ambassador Anniversary
Three OSA Ambassadors reflect on the program as it wraps up its fifth year.

Diversity: Scientific Research
While diversity in U.S. education has increased in recent years, minority representation continues to lag in the area of scientific research – particularly in physics. Here we look at the diversity of doctoral students and postdocs in science and engineering. For a more detailed look at the underrepresentation of African Americans in optics, see this month's cover story.

Luminate Arrives at FiO
An optics and photonics startup accelerator will conduct its finals at the virtual FiO + LS conference. Two finalists weigh in.
Also in this Issue
Of Plagues and Science
30, 20, and 10 Years Ago in OPN
Neural network; Chester Carlson; nanodiamonds.
Molecular-Gas Lasers
News from the Society
NAS Discovery Award / Innovation School / Congressional Fellows / GEMM advances in Glasgow / OSA Fellow stories / Volunteers at Sensors and Imaging Congresses / Rocca receives DoD award / From surviving to thriving / Thank you, editors and volunteers
OSA Financial Report
Summary of OSA financial statements from the past year.
Alan D. White, 1923–2020
Remembering a laser pioneer.