June 2020 Issue
Feature Articles

Structured Light: Tailored for Purpose
An emerging toolkit is enabling the shaping of light for a wide variety of applications, in domains ranging from basic science to manufacturing to communications.
by Andrew Forbes
Optical Neural Networks
Light-based computers inspired by the human brain could transform machine learning—if they can be scaled up.
by Edwin Cartlidge
2020 OSA Awards and Medals
OSA is proud to honor and celebrate outstanding contributions to science, research, engineering, education, industry and society.
by Meredith Smith, Kari Apter and Samantha HornbackDepartments and Columns

Research and Industry News
A chip to battle quantum hackers / Toward sustainable wearable tech / Underwater energy / Thin high-resolution camera / Accelerator doubles down / Modified LCDs test color vision / MOF-based broadband photodetector

Coronavirus Diaries
Members of the optics and photonics community share how the COVID-19 crisis has affected their lives and work, and what the pandemic means for photonics.

Navigating a Career in Research
What does it mean to “make it” as a woman in research? Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres shares her thoughts.

44 Fewer Shades of Gray
A historical tour of color theory and the neutral value scale.
Also in this Issue
A Test of Resiliency
30, 20, and 10 Years Ago in OPN
Email; optics R&D; interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy.
News from the Society
OSA Fellow stories / Virtual Biophotonics Congress / Optics for families / We are on! / Navigating a business through COVID-19 / Thank you, editors and volunteers