OSA Update
News from the Society
OPTIC 2019 in Taiwan / IONS KOALA / Hagan named CREOL interim dean / NAI fellows / Honors for Vuckovic and Forbes / OSA Fellow stories / A.E. Kaplan mourned / Thank you, editors and volunteers
[Image: OPTIC 2019]
In December, OSA 2019 Vice President Connie Chang-Hasnain attended the Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference (OPTIC 2019) at National Chung Hsing University in Taichung City, Taiwan. During the conference, which was hosted by the Taiwain Photonics Society, Chang-Hasnain delivered a plenary talk titled “VCSEL Array: Catalyzing 3D Sensing,” met with several OSA Student Chapters and also met with the Taiwan Local Section of OSA. She also participated in the conference’s first Women in Optics (WiO) session, which OSA was proud to sponsor.
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