October 2018 Issue
Feature Articles

High-Power Fiber Lasers
Fiber lasers have laid down a strong track record for high-power, high-quality beams for industry and even the military. The challenge is pushing them beyond their current limits.
by Jeff Hecht
Wavefront Sensing in Deep Turbulence
Applications ranging from lidar to free-space laser communications to directed energy require ever-better ways to overcome the distortions of a churning atmosphere. Emerging wavefront-sensing technologies are stepping up to the challenge.
by Abbie T. Watnik and Dennis F. Gardner
The Solar Zone
Deep in the Arizona desert, a testing facility is advancing photovoltaic technologies.
by Richard C. PowellDepartments and Columns

Research and Industry News
Excitonic devices with 2-D materials; light-induced demagnetization; quantum random number chip; seeing through fire; THz beam shaper; OSAF Innovation School; fiber sensing.

Spectroscopy & the Nobel
October is when scientists around the world await the results from Stockholm. Since the Nobel Prize was established in 1895, a surprising number of the awards have gone to advances related to or enabled by spectroscopy—from the spectral splitting of the Zeeman and Stark effects to cutting-edge advances enabled by laser frequency combs. We offer a small (and far from complete) sample here; to explore further, visit www.nobelprize.org.

Jumpstart a Research Career, Anywhere
Two OSA Ambassadors, Felipe Beltrán-Mejía and Federico J. Furch, share strategies for starting a career in economically developing countries.

Are There New Markets Left for Lasers?
Tom Hausken delves into the difference between new and improved applications, and asks what really drives novel uses of laser technology.

Takeaways from the Siegman School
Two 2018 students reflect on their time at OSAF’s laser science learning program: what they picked up, what they presented and why you should apply.

The Great 19th-Century Green-Spectacle Craze
Stephen R. Wilk delves into an interesting early-1800s optical fixation—green glasses.
Also in this Issue
Working Together Across Boundaries
Ideas are not bounded geographically, and their impact is felt everywhere.
30, 20, and 10 Years Ago in OPN
News from the Society
OSA Fellow Member stories; Incubator explores twisted light; Scholarship and travel grant student winners; OSA at CLEO–Pacific Rim; inaugural Kevin P. Thompson Award winner; moving ahead on the brightest lasers; IONS Changchun 2018; thank you, editors and volunteers.
Remembering Emil Wolf, 1922-2018
Three colleagues offer a remembrance of an influential and beloved figure in optics.