Feature Articles

Laser Additive Manufacturing: Going Mainstream

Despite rapid progress, LAM remains largely a niche fabrication technology. What advances in technology and manufacturing science will bring it to the front ranks?

by Ilya Mingareev and Martin Richardson
Uncertainty Principles: Photonics and Politics

The optics community responds to a changeable landscape in the U.S., the U.K., and beyond.

by Stewart Wills
Meet OSA’s 2017 Fellows

The 96 members of the 2017 class of OSA Fellow Members will be recognized at conferences throughout the year for scientific, engineering, educational and technological contributions, as well as service and business leadership.

by Kari Apter, Meredith Smith and Zsanai Epps

Departments and Columns

Research and Industry News

Zeptosecond realm, THz electron gun, fooling deep-sea predators, guiding a prosthetic hand, “employability” of graduates, investing in global IoT, and book reviews.

Reflections in Diversity
Building a Humane Workplace

To create successful labs in an era of increasing diversity, leaders need training in group dynamics.

Lessons in Excellence

How some OSA student chapters and local sections around the world make a difference in their communities.

Optics Innovations
Enabled by 3-D Printing

For two optics companies, additive manufacturing has opened new business opportunities.


Also in this Issue

President's Message
Recognizing Emerging Leaders

OSA Update
News from the Society

OSA headquarters building named for Jarus Quinn; honors for Plant, Millane and other members; thanks to publications and meetings volunteers; PHOTONICS 2016, AOS and RIAO/OPTILAS meetings.