Feature Articles

Tony Siegman’s Legacy of Laser Education

OSA remembers its 1999 President, a noted researcher and teacher, with a new summer school that will continue his ideals.

by Patricia Daukantas
Fiber Lasers: The 2 μm Market Heats Up

Rapid gains in fiber laser technology, particularly in a key infrared wavelength band, are allowing these lasers to expand into a range of application areas.

by Jihong Geng and Shibin Jiang
Werner Heisenberg’s Path to Matrix Mechanics

In 1925, Werner Heisenberg—through a combination of intuition and sometimes brilliant guesswork, and strongly influenced by the previous works of Einstein, Ladenburg and Kramers—created his inchoate version of quantum mechanics.

by Barry R. Masters

Departments and Columns


Headliners, policy news and industry updates.

Optics Innovations
BaySpec Inc.: We Can Make It!

How does BaySpec’s business model provide for sustainable growth? By exploring and understanding new markets and manufacturing custom solutions for clients.

Light Touch
Reconstructing the History of the Globule Hypothesis

Stephen R. Wilk tries to unearth the truth behind an old theory about the structure of living matter.

Demystifying Topological Order with Photons

Q&A with Mohammad Hafezi and Jacob Taylor


Also in this Issue

President's Message
President's Message

Optical Feedback
Optical Feedback

Member News
Member News

OSA Elections
OSA Elections