Spotting Malaria Fast

Yvonne Carts-Powell

An international group of researchers reports that a simple, secondary speckle-sensing microscopy technique quickly and correctly identified malaria in cells


Scatterings imageDan Cojoc and Sara Finaurini, two of an international group of researchers investigating a technique that offers fast detection of malaria using speckle imaging and automated image analysis methods.

An international group of researchers reports that a simple, secondary speckle-sensing microscopy technique quickly and correctly identified malaria in cells (Biomed. Opt. Express 3, 991). The international group (Italy, Israel, Spain and Germany) combined speckle imaging (captured using a laser, simple microscope lens and low-cost image sensor) with two image analysis methods to create a technique with the potential for an automated system that could spot malaria from a drop of blood within 30 minutes.

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