Feature Articles

Real-Time 3D Sensing and Identification of Microorganisms

Optical systems that can quickly detect and identify harmful microbes could become critical tools for preventing the next pandemic. Single-exposure on-line holographic microscopy may provide a way to image and identify microorganisms three dimensionally and in real time.

by Bahram Javidi, Inkyu Moon and Seokwon Yeome
A History of Imaging: Revisiting the Past to Chart the Future

It’s hard to keep up with the recent explosion of imaging applications, from medical cameras small enough to swallow to municipal cameras for detecting speeders and red-light runners. How has the history of optics in general, and imaging in particular, informed where we are and where we will be next?

by Joseph N. Mait
In the Middle of No-When: The Long and Short of Time

How far along is the universe in its lifespan? Is a second a flash of time or a near-eternity? It all depends on your perspective.

by Alexander E. Kaplan

Departments and Columns

Light Touch
Laser Space Experiments Find a Museum Home

At a new exhibit at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, visitors can view the hardware for a series of laser experiments that took place on the U.S. space shuttle Columbia.

Optics Innovations
From Small Fish to Oceans of Opportunity

The story of Ocean Optics, Inc.

The History of OSA
Ralph A. Sawyer and WEK Middleton

In 1973, OSA president-elect Dow Smith wrote to several previous presidents and medalists, asking them to recount memories from OSA meetings that he could use as content for a lecture. This articles captures two responses.


Also in this Issue

OSA Today
OSA Today

President's Message
President’s Message

Book Reviews
Book Reviews

After Image
Diatom Art