January 2004 Issue
Feature Articles
The Drive for Energy Efficient Lighting
At least 25 percent of the total electric power delivered to homes, businesses and factories throughout the world is used for lighting. Growth in demand is expected to outpace the adoption of more energy efficient lighting systems unless a major scientific breakthrough can be achieved.
by Graeme ListerLenses in Cinematography
Modern cinematographic lenses can house up to 25 elements and are heavily dependent on computers. The author describes a number of these lenses using movie examples to show their purpose, versatility and limitations.
by Iain A. NeilAstronomy at the South Pole
Polar astronomers working with submillimeter telescopes are measuring the cosmic microwave background radiation left over from the Big Bang, mapping our galaxy in the spectral line of atomic carbon and measuring polarized submillimeter radiation to map magnetic fields in our galaxy.
by Gregory WrightHigh Speed Microscopy in Biomedical Research
High speed fluorescence microscopy provides a way to observe chemical instabilities and biochemical reactions in living cells and tissues. Besides providing insight into the mechanisms that govern biological processes, it may lead to the identification of new drugs and diagnostic tools.
by Howard R. PettySpatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy For High Spectral Resolution Space-Based Remote Sensing
Spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (SHS) offers a number of advantages compared to conventional Fourier transform spectroscopy. An extremely robust, monolithic SHS interferometer will fly aboard a small satellite scheduled for launch in 2006.
by John M. Harlander, Fred L. Roesler, Christoph R. Englert, Joel G. Cardon and Jeff WimperisNoninvasive Imaging of the Brain
Near-infrared spectroscopy offers a noninvasive, portable means to image brain function. Researchers have begun to explore its potential for the diagnosis and treatment of depression, schizophrenia and other disorders.
by Gary BoasDepartments and Columns
OSA Meetings Through the 1960s
A history of the Optical Society's conferences through the years.
A Physicist on Captiol Hill
OPN profiles physicist/politician Rep. Rush Holt, a Democrat representing New Jersey's 12th district in Congress.
A Year on Capitol Hill
The experiences of a Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow.